
"Ma tête est fatiguée"

The days now are getting less significant; not in the sense that they don't matter to me, but in the sense that the things that are happening aren't anything I think anyone else would be interested in hearing about haha I'm starting to make connections in my head of where things are located in relation to one another, and I'm enjoying exploring new parts of my new city :) Class continues to be good; we got some new students who changed levels and there isn't really a set syllabus or anything, so we still haven't gotten into much of a routine yet. The workload is super easy, especially in comparison to nursing, but the class itself is mentally exhausting from constantly having to actively listen and translate. (P.S "ma tête est fatiguée" means "my head is tired" and was said by Shana one night as she was trying to talk to the waiter haha she's adorable.) I've also been frequenting the API office before or after class; I usually need to ask a question of Sarah or Anna or Marie, but even if I don't, I'll probably find an excuse to go anyway just because I like it there haha I've been spending most of my free time with Shana, Cecilia, and Sarah just hanging out various places around the city (in coffee shops, on trams, at host families' houses). Oh, but Cecilia, Sarah, this guy Terrell (who's in the Language and Culture group), and I went to what we thought was a jazz concert (the pamphlet mentioned Wayne Shorter so we thought we were getting a great opportunity to see him perform) but actually ended up being a lot of old French people listening to this guy ramble on and on about who knows what and be really awkward; and also, his "jazz band" was not even as good as Lexington High School's. It was disappointing, but at least we made the most of it and now have a funny story to tell. We're starting to plan out some trips; Sarah and I are going with API to Nice this Sunday (more on that later), but I think Sarah, Shana, Cecilia, and I are going to Geneva on Saturday :) it's our first non-API outing as well as our first non-France outing so I'm pretty excited to try it out for ourselves. The rest of the week should be pretty much class and casual hanging out; API is playing laser tag on Thursday (it's on like Donkey Kong, btw), and then I think a lot of us are going out afterward, so that should be a good time. But um...yeah I think that's all for now. Next time I have nothing to write about, I'll comment on life in the residence thus far, and I want to write a post about French culture and their perception of Americans, but I think I need to do some more "research" for that one first. A bientôt!

1 comment:

  1. "Ma tete est fatiguee" sorry for no French accents - or as you used to say when you were little "I can't think anymore right now, my head is full". Such a cutie then and now. Enjoy!!! -- Mom
