
I am such an idiot.

Sometimes you do things that make you feel like you're so much more capable and mature than you originally thought. And then other times things you do make you realize that you're still a stupid little girl who has no business living abroad. Tonight I met Cecilia and Sarah in town around 5; we rode around Grenoble, talking and planning some trips. Then Sarah had to go, so Cecilia and I went back to her host mom's apartment to just hang out and talk. Well I had checked the time of the last regular bus, but I would have had to leave in like an hour and figured the night bus wouldn't be a problem as long as I checked the schedule. So it gets to be around 11, and I get to the bus stop in plenty of time. Well, in true Grenoble fashion, the public transportation is nonexistent after dark and especially on Sundays; so, no bus, but the trams were still running. I map out the extremely out of the way route and get on the tram; it's not until I get off the tram that I realize the next tram line I need doesn't run after 9. Fantastic. I wait at the bus stop in the middle of East Jesus Nowhere for another 15 minutes with some of the creepiest people I've ever seen (granted, I was a little paranoid). Now I'm back to Victor Hugo with absolutely no public transportation to take me home. At this point, I'm deciding how long it would take me to walk home and how likely I would be to get mugged, or worse, when Cecilia, my knight in shining armor, gives me the number of a 24/7 cab service. I call them but of course, they speak no English, and I'm far too flustered at this point to remember any French. So I make terrible conversation and somehow by the grace of God, get a cab arranged. Also by the grace of God, there was an ATM nearby because I had like 5 euros, which would have gotten me like down the street a ways instead of back to Houille Blanche. The guy was super nice, also doesn't speak English, and he got me home really quickly, which I certainly appreciated. On the phone, I thought I heard "quarante euros," which is forty, but it was only "quatorze euros," which is fourteen; I just hope I tipped and thanked the guy enough for most likely saving my life, or at least my sanity. It worked out fine, much better than expected, because I honestly thought I might die or be assaulted in some way; even though Grenoble is exponentially safer than Columbia, I'm never alone at night in Columbia, or if I am, it's at least way more familiar. I'm mostly just really mad and frustrated at myself; I honestly should have checked the bus schedule more closely and just left early. But thanks to Cecilia for being such an amazing friend, and to who or whatever was watching out for me because it could have been a lot worse. I can kind of laugh at it now that I'm safe, but I will definitely remember this and learn from it so to avoid this complete stupidity in the future.

1 comment:

  1. 1) you are not an idiot 2) you are learning so much and are getting more travel savvy with every experience and 3) glad it all worked out and you are safe! Love, Mom
