
I've only been in Grenoble for a week...

...yet it feels like it's been a month, and we were talking tonight about how we all feel like we've known each other for years. Which is really exciting; I was prepared for time to go by as quickly and seemingly insignificantly as a semester at Carolina does. The Alps still continue to amaze me every day; I feel like I'm the only one still staring at them open-mouthed and taking pictures, but I'd rather be on my end appreciating them than taking them for granted. Plus it's either getting warmer or I'm completely adjusted; today I was walking around in just a long-sleeved t-shirt :) Class continues to get better too; I'm realizing that I'm definitely where I'm supposed to be because my writing and comprehension are better than most of the class, and even though I thought my speaking was way below everyone else, it's really not. And I'm still really enjoying the class itself; my professor and I get along really well (what's the French phrase for "teacher's pet?" lol), and I haven't felt this successful in school since like high school haha I'm getting to know my classmates too; today we did a group assignment, and I got to talk to one of the Chinese guys in my class (I wish I knew how to spell his name). He is actually an English major, whoa impressive, and spoke English pretty well; we talked (in French) about Finding Nemo and KFC, which they do have in China haha I had class in the afternoon so was on my own after we finally got done. It was nice though; I went out the wrong door and found another tram stop on the "Ligne B," so that will make life easier. Plus this lady walked up to me and asked directions, which must mean that I at least look French! But as soon as I opened my mouth to tell her "Desolée, je ne sais pas," she was like "Oh sorry" because obviously my French is THAT BAD haha but I rode to the Maison du Tourisme stop and got a chicken panini from one of the vendors who are always there. It was so good, plus it was CHICKEN! All they eat here is ham (jambon) and beef (boeuf). So now maybe my diet will consist of at least a little more than bread, cheese, and chocolate (though it's totally okay with me if those become their own food groups). Then I walked to Victor Hugo, caught the bus, and came "home" for a little bit before the theater (théâtre); I was late to the theater because I missed the bus and then the next one took just long enough that the tram I needed closed almost on my fingers so I couldn't get on. FML. It worked out okay though...we went to see Le Groupe Acrobatique de Tanger (all of those are cognates so I shouldn't need to translate); it was entertaining, that's for sure, but I feel like I didn't "get" a lot of the (probably political) metaphors they were going for. Tomorrow I have class in the morning, but after that I'll have to decide between going to see a French film with my class and volunteering at the soup kitchen; je ne sais pas quoi je vais faire, mais je dois decider à midi demain.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see how adept you are getting after only one week in Grenoble! Not only the language, but navigating a new place and a new college and meeting new people. I'm proud of you!! Mom
