
'Twas the Night...Before I Left for France

Well, it's finally here. After countless days of hoping to study abroad "some day" and seemingly ridiculous amounts of preparation, the day I have been waiting for will be here tomorrow. It hit me about two hours ago, since for so long it's been x number of months or days and now it's TOMORROW; I'm so nervous, but so excited. I won't get into too much detail because I have no doubt that I will look back on the things I'm nervous about now and totally have forgotten why I was ever as nervous as I am. I will say that I'm first nervous about flying (I've done it plenty but never go without playing the "what if" mind game) and then about then language and then about my general lack of expectations. I'm going to work on my mindset so that I see every negative thing as a challenge to make me grow and to see the lighter side of things; I also don't want to have expectations because then you run the risk of being disappointed, and I don't want to be disappointed any time, much less in an opportunity like this. My mantras will be "no regrets" because I don't want to have any reason not to enjoy one second of this experience if I can help it with my attitude and also "everything happens for a reason" because with travel there is so much you have no control over, and in the end, the things you can't control work out how they're supposed to. I have no idea when I'll be able to post again in Paris (can I just stop and say after 15 years of wanting to go, Holy Crap, I'm going to be in PARIS!), but I hope to have some exciting things to share whenever that is. I can't wait for this adventure to begin, and I can't wait to see what amazing things the world has to offer me <3

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